Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, otherwise known as cider vinegar or ACV, is a type of vinegar made from cider or apple must and has a pale to medium amber color. Unpasteurized or organic ACV contains mother of vinegar, which has a cobweb-like appearance and can make the vinegar look slightly congealed.


Vinegar (and other acidic liquids) have long been proposed as agents to enable weight loss;[2][3] a proposed mechanism is that it prolongs the sensation of satiety after eating.[4]


Apple cider vinegar contains chromium which can alter insulin levels and it is therefore recommended that people who have diabetes should talk to their doctors before using ACV.[5] ACV is highly acidic; in one recorded instance, a woman experienced esophageal burns after an ACV pill got caught in her throat.[6][7] In another case, apple cider vinegar was mistakenly used to treat a young boy with molluscum contagiosum, which caused a chemical burn.[8] Other chemical burns have been reported.[9]


Apple cider vinegar tablets are not well-regulated, may vary dramatically in terms of vinegar content from brand to brand, and lack evidence of efficacy.[6]



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